Ziva Narcissus
We have been producing narcissus for 35 years at the Yodfat Nursery. We are very careful with the purity of
We have been producing narcissus for 35 years at the Yodfat Nursery. We are very careful with the purity of
We have been producing narcissus for 35 years at the Yodfat Nursery. We are very careful with the purity of
We have been producing narcissus for 35 years at the Yodfat Nursery. We are very careful with the purity of
We have been producing narcissus for 35 years at the Yodfat Nursery. We are very careful with the purity of
We have been producing narcissus for 35 years at the Yodfat Nursery. We are very careful with the purity of
Yodfat Flower Bulbs Nurseries
Email: yodftltd@zahav.net.il | tel: 972-49800351 | Fax: 972-49800551
יודפת משתלות לריבוי פקעות ובצלי פרחים | יודפת, ד.נ. משגב, מיקוד 2018000
טלפון: 04-9800351 | פקס: 04-9800551 | אימייל: yodfatbulbs@gmail.com